Click on the map to view a larger & easier to read map.
The large red dots on the right are the starting and
ending points to our trip. The smaller red dots around the yellow loop
are our camping spots, and the blue dots are areas of interest that we
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so they take a few minutes to load, especially if you have a slower connection.
December 2002 The Kalmiopsis was the center of the Biscuit Complex Fire which burned for over 3 months during the summer of 2002 and covered almost 500,000 acres (July through September). That makes our trip all the more special, for things will look different when we go back. We haven't had a chance to get into the heart of the Kalmiopsis, but from what We've seen on the north end from York Butte, the fire was a good thing for the health of the wilderness areas. From looking at the "damage maps" that were produced, some of the hardest hit areas were within the circle of our trip, we'll have to plan another trip to see for ourselves. But that's not all bad, in some places the trail was so overgrown you would have had to be a rabbit to get through easily, nevermind a big pack!